Nail fungus is a disease that causes many problems for people. Severe itching, burning, aesthetic problems related to the unpleasant appearance of the claws are not the whole list of problems caused by this disease. The longer you ignore the problem, the more advanced the disease will be, and the appearance of your nails will become uglier. In addition, gradually the whole body will be poisoned by the waste products of the fungal microflora. But how not to ignore the early stages of nail fungus, which are easier and cheaper to treat than advanced stages? It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of not only the nails, but also the skin of the hands and feet. In this article we will talk about how not to start this disease, and what to do in the beginning so that your beautiful and pink nails do not turn into Baba Yaga's crooked claws over time.

Why does the initial stage of nail fungus occur?
The elderly and people with weakened immune systems are most often affected by the infection. At the same time, no one is immune from fungal diseases: even children can "catch" an unpleasant disease.
Fungal spores are ubiquitous in the modern world, they are very hardy, and survive on the soil surface even at low temperatures. But mostly they "love" warmth and humidity, where they reproduce very quickly. Warm public places, where there is a lot of foot traffic, are favorite habitats of fungi. Baths, saunas, swimming pools, fitness clubs: as soon as a person with fungus visits these places, small skin scales infected with the infection appear on almost any surface. Imagine how often you visit this institution and consider yourself very lucky if you read this article for general development, and not because of the need to treat mycosis at an early stage.
Sometimes it's enough to walk barefoot in the bathhouse, or wear someone else's slippers, and you can make an appointment with a dermatologist or mycologist. Of course, you don't need to worry ahead of time: the infection takes root in the body if a person has a weak immune system, or there are cracks, calluses, or cuts on the skin. By the way, public transport, which we use several times a day for a long time, is also a dangerous habitat for fungal spores.
This disease can be "caught" in the nail salon, and both clients and employees are exposed to this danger. The use of instruments that are not properly sterilized often causes fungal infections.
Many chronic diseases can also cause unpleasant ailments.
Wearing uncomfortable, tight and airtight shoes made of unnatural materials also often causes unpleasant infections. In such shoes, the feet sweat, and an excellent environment appears for fungal spores.
Signs of nail plate fungus
The early stage of onychomycosis fungus is often not clear, so people who are negligent of themselves may notice problems with their nails when the nails are already badly damaged, and the treatment will cost a lot.
So what symptoms of nail fungus on hands and feet can be detected immediately? In the early stages of fungal disease, the nail retains its usual pink color, the nail plate is smooth and shiny. Gradually, the nail structure partially thickens, lamination and small destruction appear. There are several types of fungus, each of which may have specific symptoms, but there are common signs of fungal disease.
How does nail fungus start on toenails and toenails? The symptoms are more or less the same: when the nail plate is still smooth and pink, the initial stages of infection with fungus can be recognized by severe itching. The affected area is itchy, which makes it very difficult to perform normal daily activities. Itching and burning can be felt directly on the nails and on the skin. Pungent and unpleasant odors often appear.
The skin between the fingers becomes red and irritated. Gradually, the natural shine disappears from the nail plate, it becomes cloudy, and the nail layer is difficult to see through it. The nail becomes uneven, wavy or wavy, which is clearly visible to the touch and visually. A gap appears between the nail and the bed, which is easy to see. Some areas of the nail become yellowish or brown.
The early stages of nail plate mycosis can sometimes be detected by peeling, brittle nails. Of course, peeling nails does not always mean that the nail is "sick, " but often this is a sign of a fungal infection. Also, we have said that infection spores penetrate through damaged skin.
What does toenail fungus look like - early stages? Photos are no less informative:

Fingernail fungus - early stage, looks like this: nails also become uneven and dull, and whitish spots also appear. Most often, this type of disease is found in women on the "active" arm. The right hands of left-handed people are particularly susceptible to this unpleasant disease, because they spend the most time in an aggressive environment, causing the nails to become thinner and quickly destroyed.
Changes in plate thickness in the early stages of fungal infection are typical for nails and hands and feet. Depending on the type of fungus and the cause of the disease, the plate may thicken or, conversely, thin.
Photos of nail fungus in the early stages are no less spectacular:

Treatment of nail fungus in the early stages
Like other diseases, nail fungus responds better to treatment in the early stages. In this case, you can get by with products for external use, which, by the way, are not cheap. There are many local remedies available to correct the problem. The earlier the procedure is started, the less likely the infection will develop further.
The drugs are applied either directly to the nail or to the skin near it. Varnish against nail fungus is an effective remedy that acts quickly and is very easy to use. Such a preparation penetrates deep into the nail, and because of its texture, remains on it for a long time. Drugs are selected based on the type of fungus.
Antifungal drops also penetrate deep into the nail tissue, and also have a wide selection of products. They disinfect the nail plate, kill bacteria and prevent fungal spores from multiplying. Drops will help cure the early stages of nail fungus.
Lotions are less common but can also be effective at first. They act on the surface of the nail plate.
Creams for nail fungus have become widespread. Mainly intended to treat the skin around damaged plates. With their help, the infection is prevented from spreading to undamaged areas, including new nails.
Special sprays are used to prevent disease and as part of therapy. Or feet and shoes are treated.
Early stages of mycosis are treated mainly with local drugs; if the disease continues, the doctor prescribes medicine to be taken orally. Such a drug is effective if a small part of the nail plate is affected by the infection.
Modern medicine offers various ways to eliminate this disease. An expensive but effective method in the early stages is laser therapy. A device with a laser beam directed at the damaged area.
The initial stages of nail fungus may require only 4 such procedures. But this method must be used in combination with the drugs described above.
Ozone therapy involves the tissue being saturated with ozone. A special injection is given into the skin near the affected nail. This procedure helps to slow the development of the fungus and prevent the spores from multiplying.
Of course, you should not forget folk remedies to treat nail fungus in the early stages. There are many of them. The traditional method is good because it is easy to use and economical. For example, treating fungus with salt and soda is quite effective in the early stages of the disease.
Preventive measures
Fungus is very difficult to cure: it takes a lot of time, effort and money, and the treatment sometimes lasts for years. Therefore, it is necessary to take precautions so as not to "catch" an unpleasant disease.
It is very important to maintain personal hygiene: never wear other people's shoes. When you go to the shoe store, try only on your own socks, don't use the ones offered by the seller. Of course, you should not try on shoes with bare feet.
It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with soap after traveling by public transport. It is better to wash your nails with tar soap. Use preventive measures, there are many of them. Treat your shoes regularly with an antifungal spray.
When going to the nail salon, it is better to always bring your own set of tools, which also need to be disinfected regularly.
It is important to wash your socks and tights every day, don't forget to iron them well afterwards. Bedding should be washed regularly at high temperatures.
If the fungus affects the nails, it is necessary to protect loved ones from the same fate. The fungus is not spread through close contact between a sick person and a healthy person, but it can spread easily through shared objects and surfaces. Treat the bathroom with a disinfectant: the bathtub itself, the carpet and the floor.